Palabuhanratu is an isolated fishing village at the southcoast of West Java in the Sukabumi Regency, serves as its capital. It is up to12 hours' drive from Indonesia's capital Jakarta due to traffic jam in Ciawi,Cicurug, Cibadak and Pelabuhan Ratu gate, whose residents love to visit TelukPalabuhanratu Bay, once named "Wijnkoopsbaai" by the Dutch. The bayis shaped like a large horseshoe and has enormous waves that can be verytreacherous. The Sundanese locals tell that the Indian Ocean is the home ofNyai Loro Kidul who reigns along the south-coast of all Java.
Palabuhanratu has become a popular location for surfers inrecent years, with its Indian Ocean location providing good waves for surfing.Several spots that are popular with for surfers are Cimaja Beach, Sunset Beach,Karang Sari Beach and Karang Aji Beach.

From June 12 to 18, 2011 the second event of West JavaSurfing Championship has been initialized at Cimaja Beach which has 750 meterbeach and wave about 1 to 2 meters height. The competition got 6 stars surfingpremium (the highest rank) as a part of Indonesian Surfing Championship andalso Asian Surfing Championship Tours. Cimaja Beach has many rocks, sosometimes it is called as Beach Without Sand.
The current port will be improved to become Ocean FishingPort with investment Rp.415 billion ($48.8 million) on 17-hectare areaexpansion. The project will be initialized in September 2011.

Palabuhanratu beach, or more popular as the Queen'sHarbour Beach, is a resort on the Indian Ocean on the south coast of West Java.The location is situated about 60 km to the south of Sukabumi.
This beach is known to have waves that are strong andtherefore dangerous to swimmers beach. Topography in the form of a combinationof steep and gently sloping beaches, steep cliffs, pounding surf and forestnature reserves.

Because this place has its own charm, resting place ofPresident Sukarno founded in 1960 in the Official Tenjo. In addition, at theinitiative of Sukarno also established the Ocean Beach Hotel, one of the firstluxury hotel built in Indonesia at the same time with the Hotel Indonesia, BaliBeach Hotel, and Convenience Stores "Sarinah", all of which use thefunds war reparations from Japan .

in addition to large hotels and luxury Ocean Beach Hotel,in this area there are also a number of hotels and small inns, cottage resortsresort is one of the luxury villas are quite popular visited by tourists. Notfar from the beach Palabuhanratu there are several other tourist locations.Karanghawu beach, which is located about 20 miles from downtown Palabuhanratu,a coastal rock that juts into the sea and holes in some parts of it. Coralsform more like the furnace, in Sundanese called "Hawu". Other beachesare located in this area include the Coast Cibareno, Cimaja, Cibangban, BreakWater, Citepus, Kebon Coconut, and Tenjo Official.
Approximately 17 miles of beach Palabuhanratu there arehot springs in Cisolok, where the water contains a high sulfur and useful forhealth.
Around Palabuhanratu, there are at least nine points forsurfing locations, namely at Stone Guram, Karang Sari, Ocean Beach, Cimaja,Karang Haji, Indicator, Sunset Beach, Waves Edge Seven to tile. Each beach haswaves with its own characteristics.

Community, especially the south coast Palabuhanratubelieve there sea south of the ruling Queen of South. That said, he was abeautiful queen like an angel. In the South Seas - another name for the IndianOcean - south of the island of Java, he is seated on a royal spirits are greatand beautiful.
In April the surrounding community usually held ritualceremonies Palabuhanratu Fisherman's Day. Fishermen's Day is meant as acelebration of sustenance they have earned from the sea and to be kept awayfrom disaster. Usually the ceremony is provided by the offerings of buffalohead that will be dilarung to sea

Palabuhanratu beach is also known as a place to lay eggsand breeding turtles are threatened with extinction, and hence including one ofthe protected animals in the world. However, the turtles on the beachPalabuhanratu still often rounded to eat meat while his body and his skin wasused as souvenirs and eggs were harvested for the community.
tag : iwansky82,the adventure,article,pelabuhan,ratu,pangandaran,green canyon ,java,indonesian

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