Dieng Plateau is a plateau region in Central Java

Dieng Plateau is a plateau region in Central Java, whoentered the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo district. It lies to the westof Mount Sindoro complex and Sumbing.
Dieng is an active volcanic area and can be said is agiant volcano with a crater crater. The average height is about 2.000m abovesea level. Temperatures range from 15-20 ° C in the daytime and 10 ° C atnight. In the dry season (July and August), temperatures can reach 0 ° C in themorning and bring frost by the locals called bun upas ("dew poison")because it causes damage to agricultural crops.
Administratively, the Dieng Dieng Kulon Village area,District Batur, District Banjarnegara and Dieng ("Dieng Wetan"),District Kejajar, Wonosobo district. This region is one of the most remoteregions in Central Java.

Dieng name comes from the combination of two words Kawilanguage: "in" which means "place" or "mountain"and "Hyang 'meant (God). Thus, Dieng means mountainous area where the godsand goddesses reside [citation needed]. Another theory states, a name derivedfrom the Dieng Sundanese ("in hyang") as estimated in the pre-Medang(around the 7th century AD) the area is in the political influence of theKingdom Galuh

Dieng plateau (DTD) is a plateau with volcanic activitybelow the surface, such as Yellowstone or the Tengger Highlands. This is but acaldera with the mountains surrounding the edges. There are many craters as thedischarge gas, water vapor and various other volcanic material. This situationis very dangerous for the people who inhabit the region, evidenced by theeruption of Crater gas Sinila 1979. Not only poisonous gas, but also may bepossible earthquakes, mud eruptions, landslides and flooding.
In addition to the crater, there are volcanic lakes thatcontain water mixed with sulfur so that it has distinctive yellow-green color.
In biology, volcanic activity at Dieng interesting becauseit was found in water-hot water near the crater of some species of thermophilicbacteria ("like heat") that can be used to reveal early life onEarth.

The active crater at Dieng is the crater of volcanicactivity beneath the plateau. Monitoring activities carried out by PVMBGthrough Observation Post in the District Karangtengah Dieng. Here are theactive craters are monitored:
Sikendang, potentially toxic gases
Sinila, potentially toxic gases
Weigh, potentially toxic gases
 Crater Sibanteng
Sibanteng Kulon Dieng is located in the Village. Phreaticcrater had erupted in January 2009 (15 / 1), led to the tourist area of ​​Dieng to be closed several days to anticipate theoccurrenceof gas poisoning disaster. Mud eruption heard up to 2km, damaging surroundingPerhutani owned forest, and causing landslides that block Kali White, sonSerayu River.
Sibanteng crater had also erupted in July 2003.
 Crater Sikidang
Sikidang is a crater in the DTD of the most popularvisited by tourists because it is most easily achieved. The crater is famousfor the gas discharge holes are always moving in a broad region. From thischaracter derives its name because locals see it move like a deer (deer inJavanese).

 Crater Sileri
Sileri is the crater of the most active and has eruptedseveral times (based on records: 1944, 1964, 1984, July 2003, and September2009). In recent phreatic activity (26 September 2009) appeared three newcraters gap accompanied by the emission of material as high as 200 meters.
Crater Sinila
Sinila Wetan Dieng is located in the Village. Sinilacrater had erupted on the morning of 1979, precisely February 20, 1979. Thequake caused make people run out of the house, but they are trapped toxic gasesout of the crater eruption triggered Sinila Weigh result. [4] A number ofresidents (149 people) and cattle died of gas poisoning of carbon dioxide isreleased and spread into residential areas.
Crater Weigh
Weigh is a crater that is located near Sinila and activemedium. Although less active, this crater is a highly concentrated source ofCO2 gas which took hundreds of victims in 1979. The crater was last recordedincreased activity in May 2011 with belching white smoke as high as 20 feet,removing CO 2 in concentrations exceeding safe threshold (1,000 ppm, the normalconcentration in air near 400 ppm) and display volcanic earthquakes [5]. On May31, 2011 morning, the crater was re-release of CO2 to reach 1% v / v (100,000ppm) accompanied by earthquake tremors. As a result, all activities within aradius of 1 km is prohibited and Hamlet and Hamlet Attack Simbar evacuated
The summits

Prahu mountain (2565 m)
Pakuwaja mountain (2395 m)
Sikunir mountain (2263 m), tourist attractions, nearSembungan
Lake volcanic
Colour Lake, a tourist attraction with a place nearbypersemadian
Cebon lake, near the tourist village Sembungan

Lake Merdada
Lake Pengilon
Lake dringo
Indigo Lake
Some cultural and natural heritage have been used as atourist attraction and is managed jointly by the two districts, namelyBanjarnegara and Wonosobo. Here are some attractions in the Dieng.
Lake: Lake Color, a lake that often raises shades of red,green, blue, white, and violet, Pengilon Lake, Lake Merdada.
Crater: Sikidang, Sileri, Sinila (erupting and spewingtoxic gas in 1979 with 149 victims of the soul), Crater Candradimuka.
Complex of Hindu temples built in the 7th century, amongothers: Ghatotkacha Temple, Temple of Bhima, Arjuna Temple, Temple Semar,Temple Sembadra, Heroine Temple, Temple Setyaki, Gangsiran Ashwatthama, andTemple Dwarawati.
Cave: Cave Semar, Jaran Cave, Cave of the Well. Locatedbetween Lake and Lake Colors Pengilon, often used as a place of spiritualthough.
Jalatunda wells.

Dieng Volcanic Theater, a theater to see movies aboutkegunungapian in Dieng.
Kailasa Dieng Museum, storing artifacts and provideinformation about natural (geology, flora and fauna), the Dieng (daily,agriculture, belief, art) from the Dieng and archaeological heritage. Having atheater to see movies (currently about archeology Dieng), outdoor stage on theroof of the museum, and restaurants.
Serayu River springs, often referred to Bima Lukar Tuk(Tuk = spring)
Dieng area is the producer of highland vegetables to theregion of Central Java. Potatoes are the main commodities. In addition,carrots, cabbage, onions and various onion-generated from this region. Inaddition to vegetables, Dieng is also the production centers of the mountainpapaya (Carica) and fungi.
However, due to agricultural activity that rapid forestarea in the tops of mountains running out of land converted to vegetablecropping

Dieng area is still geologically active and many have ahydrothermal energy sources. There are three main hydrothermal field, namelyPakuwaja, Sileri, and Sikidang. In all three there fumarola (the crater steam)is active, mud pools and steam field. Hot springs are found, for example, inBitingan, Siglagah, pulosari, and Jojogan, with average temperatures rangingfrom 25 ° C (Jojogan) to 58 ° C (Siglagah) Sikidang region has begun to beexploited as a source of hydrothermal energy

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