Debus of another tradition from banten

After said the mantra "you touch my skin, you drink myblood, you are forbidden to eat flesh, vein like wire, bonelike plate, skin of steel, I come out of the womb of the mother. I say” lailaha illahu ". So at that moment he thrust the dagger into the thighs,arms, stomach and other body parts. At that time he also grabbed the neck ofthe attractions of a small child as he drew his machete into the child.Surprisingly the former is missing a bolt machete scar that is very dangerousfor the child.
Attractions that are very dangerous we used to know calledDebus, Debus said that martial arts originated from al-Madad area. The longerthe martial arts is growing and growing in all societies as an artentertainment offerings for the community. Core of the show is still verystrong movement or martial arts and weapons use. Debus arts offerings arewidely used and focus on a person's immune players against sharp objects, andsort of sharp weapon is called the Debus.

Grow and develop this art since hundreds of years ago, alongwith the development of Islamic religion in Punjab. In awalna this art has thefunction as the spread of religion, but in the Dutch colonial period and duringthe reign of Sultan Agung Tirtayasa. This martial art is used to evoke the spiritof the warrior and the people who made offerings against Dutch colonialism.Because at that power is not balanced, which has a dutch weapons very completeand sophisticated. Continue to urge the fighters and people of offerings, theonly weapons they have no other martial arts heritage of Debus, and they takethe fight as guerrillas.

Debus in Arabic which means sharp weapons made of iron, hasa pointed tip and slightly rounded shape. With this tool Debus injured players,and usually can not be penetrated even Debus was beaten many times by others.Attractions attraction of this body immunity is another variation of existingDebus performed. Among other things, stabbing stomach with a sharp object orcutting, slicing the body with a machete until the injured and uninjured,eating fire, insert a long needle into the tongue, skin, cheeks untiltranslucent and not injured. Slicing limbs to wounded and bleeding, but can becured at once, flush the body with hard water are attached to clothes dibadancrushed, chewed glass / glass flake, burn the body. And many more attractionsthat they do.

In doing this attraction every player has a requirement thatheavy conditions, before they perform the ritual ritual performances given bytheir teacher. Usually done 1-2 weeks prior to the ritual performed. Inaddition they are also required to have a strong faith and be confident withthe teachings of Islam. Precepts for whistle players are not allowed to drinkliquor, gambling, playing a woman, or steal. And the players also need to besure and do not hesitate in carrying out such action, violations committed by aplayer can greatly endanger the lives of these players.

According to some historical sources, Debus has arelationship with the congregation in the teachings of Islam. Which in essenceis very thick with religious philosophy, they are in a very happy face to facewith his god. They slammed their ketubuh sharps, no effort but because Godalone. If God did not allow a machete, machetes and bullets injure them. Andthey will not hurt.

At this time many warriors living in the Village WalantakaDebus, District Walantaka, Serang District. Which is unfortunate presencediminished the longer whistle, because the young men would rather find anotherlivelihood. And because this attraction is also quite dangerous to do, becausenot many players Debus who rarely harmed by lack of exercise and there are"ignorant" to show they are doing. So the longer the culturalheritage is increasingly extinct. In the past we can see the attraction of thiswhistle offerings in many areas, but now there are only Debus attractions atthe event - a specific event. So not every day we can see this attraction.Cultural heritage, which is increasingly eroded by the changing times
tag : debus,of,another,tradition,from,bandten,culture,tradition,java,indonesia,iwansky82,the adventure

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