The exoticism of Papua in the village of Tablanusu

The exoticism of Papuain the village of Tablanusu

Papua notonly had the story of melancholy question of horizontal conflicts. There is abeautiful exotic places in the New Guinea and named the village Tablanusu. Itwill change your view of Papua.

The villageof Tablanusu is located in district Depapre, Jayapura Regency, Papua. Thisvillage has become tourism village by the provincial Government of Papua. Ifyou are from the town of Jayapura, You can get on the bus to the city which is33 kilometers Sentani, then went on a trip by car to the dock Depapre charteredapproximately 1.5 hours. Then from the dock Depapre trip just spent 20 minutesto arrive in the village of Tablanasu.

There are 3types of tours that you will encounter in the village of Tablanasu, i.e.natural history tours, tours, and cultural tourism. The village of Tablanasuhas also been well managed and has several facilities, such as lodging, tourguides, boat rentals and others who made this comfortable place for yourvacation.
A visit tothis place, You will be greeted by beautiful suasanan, cool, green mountainsscenery and clean beaches. Uniquely, the beach where it should not be confusedwith the beach somewhere else. The beach does not have a white sand beach, butit has a coral rocks. However, it turns out that coral rock along the coastcould serve as a natural reflection massage the soles.

The villageof tablanasu, which means sunset place, inhabited by the people’slivelihood-eyed as fishermen. Typical inhabitants of the place of food is thesame as food Papua in General, the areca nut.

For those ofyou fans of activities diving, crystal clear sea water, the diversity of fishand coral reefs that are still very awake will pamper Your activities. If youare lucky, You may encounter sharks in this place. In addition, You can feel afisherman with a join the fishermen fish hunting at night.

The villagehas an area of 230,5 hectares is also has a Lake Dukumbo. You can fishwhitefish, oreochromis mossambicus and mas in the pristine Lake whileaccompanied by loud, various birds and various types of plants. In addition,there are two islets are not far away from the village who have Orchid flowersendemic to New Guinea. In the afternoon, two of the island also hosts anvarious types of birds. The birds were resting in the branches of the trees andseems to line up to form a beautiful view towards the sunset.

The villageof Tablanusu also has remains of Allied soldiers in World War II. Historically,this village used to be one of the Allied army base in eastern Indonesia. Then,You can find the gun emplacements and former Allied soldiers landing dock. Inaddition, there is also a tomb and Memorial Cross near the Church. The tomb isa local socialite and one of the founders of the Church. As for the inscriptionof the cross was erected to commemorate the entry of the Christian religion tothe village of Tablanusu in the early 1900 ‘s.
The villageis divided into ten tribes, namely The Sumile, Danya, Suwae, Apaserai,Serantow, Wambena, Semisu, Selli, Yufuwai, and Yakurimlen. Then, it would be alot of cultural diversity that you encounter on the site

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tags : the,exoticism,of,papua,in,the,village,of,tablanusu,culture,tradition,java,indonesia,iwansky82,the adventure

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