Rock Tombs Lemo

Lemo cemetery is a place shaped holes in the wall rocks. This place is the result of human creations exceptional Toraja. Has existed since the 16th century. Made by chiseling. At that time, of course with the equipment it is.

Location of Object
Lemo is located in the village (valley) Lemo. Approximately 12 kilometers south of Rantepao or six kilometers north of Makale.

General description
Lemo named because some models of the round hole of the stone, freckled like oranges or lemons. Stone graves were also called liang During his'.

There are 75 holes in the wall rocks. Some of them have statues lined up so-called tau-tau. The statues are a symbol of social position, status, and their role during the life as a local nobleman.

These objects visited since 1960. Besides watching the grave stone, tourists can also buy various souvenirs or walking path around the object Pangi who witnessed the fruit ripened fruit brown. The fruit is ready to be processed and consumed as a food typical Toraja tribe that called pantollo pamarrasan.

Lemo can be accessed from Rantepao and Makale with private vehicles, public transport (petepete), or transportation facilities of the hotel.

To enter the location of this site, visitors are charged Rp 5,000 as a contribution towards maintenance.

http://www.enjoysulawesi.comthe adventure/rock-tombs-lemo/stone/culture/tradition/sulawesi/indonesian

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