
Londa, the Cemetery on the Wall Rocks

LONDA burial caves are hundreds of years old. Shows the megalithic culture characterized by the use of rocks. Toraja people able to sculpt the rock resembles a form of house and decorated it with statues called tautau.

Object Location
Londa tourist attraction located in the village of Sandan UAI, District Sanggalangi, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Approximately 7 miles south of Rantepao, or 11 kilometers north of the town Makale.

Once upon a time, Londa is the funeral of prominent people in Toraja. Not just anyone can be buried there. The bodies of the princes were placed in a coffin-shaped box by the local animal called erong. Once the parents, the bodies were now living bones.

Some erong had rotted with age. Some are damaged so that the bones of its princes can be seen that the Toraja. For each magnifying who died and was buried there made a statue (tau-tau). Face the statues had been made to resemble the face of those who died.

Tourists can get into the caves. But to find out more, tourists should hire the services of a guide (guide) who has been trained and professional. Leases typically guide services into one package with a kerosene lamp (instrument lights) so that tourists can see the atmosphere in the cave with the obvious.

This cave tombs have some kind of fortress named Tarangenge. It is located on the back of this natural cave. This object is very easy to visit because it has good road infrastructure.

Londa can be accessed from Rantepao and Makale by private vehicle or transportation facilities of the hotel.

Sign Tariff
To enter the location of this site, visitors are charged Rp 5,000 per person as a contribution towards maintenance. While for the tourist guide services and patromax enough to pay Rp 20,000.
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