Megalith A Unique of Village

STONE-stone towered up as high as 7-8 meters in the field. That is the work of human sculpture called megaliths or menhirs. Toraja people call simbuang stone. The location is called rante (funeral place).

Object Location
Kampong famous megaliths were Bori and Karasik. Bori is located about five kilometers north of Rantepao. While Karasik is located just one kilometer south of Rantepao, Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

General description
The main tourist objects in Bori is Rante Kalimbuang. There are 102 or menhir megalith standing grandly in the middle of the field. Consisting of 24 pieces megalith large, 24 medium-size fruit megalith, megaliths and 54 small sized fruit.

Toraja people will only develop when a dead menhirs are traditional leaders or respectable. The ceremony is called rapasan sapurandanan, the highest death rituals in the traditional strata in Toraja. At the ceremony rapasan sapurandan, the number of buffaloes which was sacrificed at least 24 individuals.

In 1657, at the funeral ceremony held Rante Kalimbuang Ne 'Ramba. Two of the megaliths was established and as many as 100 buffaloes were sacrificed. Year 1807 held a funeral for a bigger Tonapa Ne 'Padda. Megalith five established and 200 buffaloes were sacrificed.

Furthermore, the megaliths continue established since 1907 to reach 102 the number of megaliths fruit. Ritual of the last death in Rante Kalimbuang held in 1962 for the funeral mengiring Sa'pang (Ne 'Lai). The whole ceremony in Rante Kalimbuang ceremony for the dead person is respected.

While in Karasik, there are only 12 pieces megaliths were visible. There are still tens of megaliths that are embedded in the ground. This location is called Rante Karasik is only used as a burial place of nobles from Tongkonan Kamiri, Buntu Pune. Rante Karasik into use early-19th century by maramba Pong Solo for the ritual signs.

What makes is different from the ward Karassik other megalith is the artwork that was there. There are a few homes painted colorful bamboo, lined the ceremony location. There is also no souvenir sellers.

Bori can be reached from Rantepao by private vehicle or rental car facilities and hotel delivery. While Karasik, because of its location so close to Rantepao, can be reached by public transportation. Furthermore, tourists need only walk a few meters.

Sign Tariff
To enter into this tourist complex of two tourist complexes subject to tariffs of Rp 5,000 as a contribution towards maintenance.the adventure/megalith-unique-of-village/stone/culture/tradition/sulawesi/indonesian

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