
The Embassy of Canada in Indonesia

The Embassy of Canada in Indonesia

Please be informed that the Embassy of Canada will be closed on Tuesday, November 15, 2011.If the office is closed and you are a Canadian in need of emergency assistance, call 62 (21) 2550-7800 and follow the instructions or email sos@international.gc.ca.The Emergency Operations Centre in Ottawa may also be contacted by calling « Canada Direct » at 001-801-16 and ask the operator to make a collect call to 613-996-8885The Embassy will reopen on the 16th of November 2011.Address, phone, fax, e-mail of

Canadian Embassy in Jakarta

Address, phone, fax, e-mail of Australian Consulate in BaliHours of operationAfter-hours emergency contact informationStatutory holidays 2010
 Address, phone, fax, e-mail of Canadian Embassy in Jakarta
 Street AddressCanadian Embassy in IndonesiaWorld Trade Centre, 6th Floor
Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31Jakarta 12920Indonesia
 Postal AddressP.O. Box 8324/JKS.MPJakarta 12084
 Telephone: (62) 21-2550-7800Fax: (62) 21-2550-7811
 E-mail: canadianembassy.jkrta@international.gc.ca

In Bali

 Address, phone, fax, e-mail of Australian Consulate in BaliIn Bali, the Australian Consulate provides services to Canadians.
It can be contacted at:Postal Address:Australian Consulate-General
P.O. Box 3243DenpasarBali
Telephone:(62) 361-283011(62) 361-283241
 Fax: + 62 361 282281
 E-mail: bali.congen@dfat.gov.au

 Hours of operationThe Embassy is open to the public:Monday - Thursday: 07:30 -16:15Friday: 07:30 -13:00The Visa Section provides services to the public:Monday - Friday: 08:30-11:30After-hours emergency contact informationCall Toll-free: 008 800 105 171Canadian citizens may also access our Watch Office in Ottawa, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no charge by calling collect to (613) 996-8885 or via TTY by dialing (613) 944-1310.

Embassy in indonesia/canada/bali/jakarta

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