

Thousand Island lies in the waters of Jakarta Bay which has100 miles length and 108,000 ha width. There’re about 110 islands, in somelarge and small group of islands in the Thousand Island. Those islands dividedinto tourism islands, conservation, historical island, and island for communityempowerment in accordance with the characteristics differences between each island.

Thousand Island is a district under the government of DKIJakarta Province and is headed by a regent which office is on Pramuka Island.As the capital district, Pramuka Island has a complete infrastructure such asschool buildings, sports facilities, an integrated security system to healthfacility and hospital units with some speed boat ambulance.
There’re 45 islands that are meant for tourism destinationwhich are classified into general tourism and special tourism. Among theislands that are included in Thousand Island, six of them have been made as thetourism islands. Those six islands are Ayer Island, Bidadari Island, KotokIsland, Putri Island, Pantara Island, and Sepa Island. Those tourism islandsequipped with adequate and even complete facilities and infrastructure.

Tourism Islands in the Thousand Island have a good qualityof accommodations with unique architecture and interesting interior. Some ofthe lodging has a room with a standard suite and executive room. Othersupporting facilities on the tourism islands of Thousand Islands\ are such asmeeting/convention room, bar, restaurant, karaoke, discotheque, swimming pool,tennis field, beach volley and souvenir shops.
Some tourism islands provide a package called "interisland tours" that allow tourists to visit the islands around with all thecharm various natural beauties they have. Islands that do not provide resortequipped with home stay accommodation that are provided among the residence oflocal people who lives there. Among the islands that provide such accommodationare Pramuka Island and Untung Java Island.

It will require about 20 minutes to reach the nearest islandand three hours to reach the farthest island by riding speedboat from the portof Marina Ancol.

Some management of the tourism islands has its owntransportation facility. Likewise to the government of Thousand Islanddistrict. The ships are operated every day to facilitate the needs of touristsand local residents to visit tourism islands or other island with local peoplesettled there. The
ships depart from the Marina Ancol at 08.00 or at 09.00 andreturn from the island at13:30 or at 14.00 Western Indonesian Time (WIB)

In addition to the speedboat, othertransportations used are timber ships (some kind of traditional boat) withcapacity of 50 - 60 passengers. Those raditional and motorized boats that isequipped with life jackets for passengers are departing every day from MuaraAngke Port to Pramuka Island and Panggang Island with transit time about 2.5 to3 hours.

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