
History of baduy's people

        Kanekes or  Baduy’s people  are a group of culture peoples in the regionSundanese Lebak, Banten. The term "Baduy" is the name given bypeople outside the community, the term originated from the Dutch researcherswho seem to equate them with a group of Arab Badawi who is sedentary societies(nomadic).Another possibility is due to the River and Mount Baduy. baduy in thenorthern part of the region. They themselves prefer to call themselves asurang Kanekes or "people Kanekes" in accordance with the name oftheir territory, or a designation that refers to the name of their village asUrang Cibeo (Garna, 1993)
The language they use is a dialect of Sundanese-Banten. To communicatewith people outside their current use Indonesian language, although they do notget that knowledge from the school. Kanekes’s people 'in' do not know theculture of writing, so that the customs, belief / religion, and the story ofancestors stored only in oral speech only.

According to the beliefs they hold, the person claiming descent from BataraKanekes roots, one of the seven gods or a god who is sent to earth. Theorigin is often attributed to the Prophet Adam as the first ancestor. Accordingto their belief, Adam and his descendants, including the resident has the taskto be imprisoned or Kanekes ascetic (mandita) to maintain the harmony of theworld
Opinions regarding the origin of the different Kanekes opinion among thehistorians, who based his opinion by the synthesis of some historical evidencein the form of inscriptions, travelogues Portuguese and Chinese sailors, andfolktales about the 'Tatar Sunda' which is quite minimal existence. Kanekescommunities associated with the Sunda Kingdom before its collapse in the 16thcentury centered on Pakuan Pajajaran (around Bogor now). Before thefounding of the Sultan of Banten, the western tip of Java island is animportant part of the Kingdom of Sunda. Banten is a fairly large tradingport. Ciujung rivers are navigable various types of boats, and crowded isused to transport agricultural products from rural areas. Thus the rulerof the region, known as Prince shoots General considers that the preservationof the river should be maintained. For that govermented royal army ofhighly trained to maintain and manage the heavily wooded and hilly areas in theregion of Mount Kendeng. The existence of a special task forces with theseemingly became the forerunner of Beduy’s society that still inhabit theheadwaters on Mount Kendeng Ciujung the (Adimihardja, 2000). Differencesof opinion was brought to the allegation that in the past, their historicalidentity and accidentally closed, which is probably the Beduy’s community toprotect itself from attack enemies Pajajaran.

There are other versions of history Baduy tribe, began when Kian Santang prabusiliwangi son came home from arabia after berislam in the hands of SayyidinaAli.The son wants to Islamize the prabu and his followers. At the end ofthe story, with 'wangsit siliwangi' which was accepted by the prabu, theyobjected to Islam, and spread to all corners of Sunda to remain in hisconviction. And King Siliwangi chased up to the valley (Baduy now), andhide until abandoned. Then the  prabu was renamed with the new title of KingGolden Wungu, which might have changed the title again. And in Baduy dalam.prabu siliwangi enthroned with 40 loyal followers, until later will be civilwar between them and us, represented by ki Saih a human form but all over hisbody and his face covered by feathers Like the ki monyet.dan this Saih presencein we are at the request of the trustees to God to win the truth
Kanekes public trust called the Sunda Wiwitan rooted in the worship ofancestral spirits (animism), which in later development is also influenced byBuddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. The core belief is indicated by an absolutepikukuh or customary provisions adopted in the daily lives of people Kanekes(Garna, 1993).The most important contents of the 'pikukuh' (compliance) Kanekesis the concept of "without any changes", or a change in as little aspossible:
Lojor heunteu beunang dipotong, pendek heunteu beunang di sambung
(The length can not / should not be cut short, can not / should not be spliced)
bjek trust is important for the community Kanekes Arca Domas, an undisclosedlocation and is considered the most sacred. Kanekes people visit theselocations to conduct worship once a year in Kalima, which in 2003 coincidedwith the month of July. Only puun which is the highest traditional leaderand several members of selected communities who follow the cult group. Inthe complex there is a stone Arca Domas the mortar that holds rainwater
If at the time of worship stone mortar was found to exist in a state full ofclear water, then for the people Kanekes it is a sign that the rain that yearwill be a lot down, and the harvest will be successful either. Conversely,if the stone mortar dry or watery cloudy, then it is a sign of crop failure(Permana, 2003a). For some people, relating to determination their communities,indigenous beliefs held this Kanekes Sundanese people reflect religious beliefsin general before the advent of Islam

baduy luar(outer baduy)
Outer Baduy are people who have come out of customs and Beduy in the area.Thereare several things that cause out area of  baduy’s residents in the Outer Baduy. Basically,the existing rules on the outside and Baduy Baduy in it almost the same, butthe outer Baduy. Baduy know more about technology than the inside.
They have broken the traditional Bedouin society.
Desiring to get out of the Bedouin in the
Married to a member of Outer Baduy

House Construction Process of Foreign Bedouin population has used assistivedevices, such as saws, hammers, nails, etc., which previously prohibited by theBedouin custom.
Using traditional dress with black or dark blue (for men), which indicates thatthey are not holy. Sometimes using modern clothing such as T-shirts andjean shorts
baduy dalam(Baduy In)

In the Beduy are part of the whole Beduyn tribe. Unlike the Outer Baduy,Bedouin residents still adhere to the customs of their ancestors.
Most of the rules adopted by the Bedouin tribes, among others:
Not allowed to use vehicles to transport
Shall not use footwear
Door of the house should face north / south (except for the house puun)
Prohibition of use of electronic tools (technology) Using Cain is black / whiteas the garment is woven and stitched themselves and are not allowed to usemodern clothing.

Kanekes communities hitherto not strictly follow the customs of a societyalienated, isolated, or people who are isolated from the outside worlddevelopments.Establishment of the Sultanate of Banten Kanekes automaticallyenter into the realm was not separated from their consciousness. As a signof compliance / confession to the authorities, people routinely carry KanekesSheba to the Sultanate of Banten (Garna, 1993). Until now, Seba ceremonycontinues to take place once a year, leads a crop (rice, fruit) to the Governorof Banten (formerly the Governor of West Java)
At this time outsider who visited the area Kanekes growing up with hundreds ofpeople per visit, usually a teenager from the school, students, and other adultvisitors. They received the visitors, even to stay one night, with theproviso that visitors comply with the customs prevailing there. Amongother customary rules should not be photographed on the Bedouin territory, donot use soap or toothpaste in the river. However, the region Kanekesremain off limits to foreigners (non-citizen). Several foreign journalistswho tried to enter until now has always denied entry.
At work in the fields is not too much, people are also happy to travel toBedouin cities around the region on condition that they must walk. Generallythey go in small groups consisting of 3 to 5 people, a visit to the house ofacquaintances who had come to the Bedouin while selling honey and handicrafts. Duringthe visit they usually get extra money to make ends meet

 photo by barry kusuma
article from www.exoticindonesia.com
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tags : History,of,baduy's,people,banten,west,java,tourisme,travelling,indonesian,culture,iwansky82,the adventure

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