Ciwedey the best beatiful white crater in bandung

Regency Bandung has manyresorts which offer beautiful scenery and interesting legends. One is theDistrict Ciwidey located in the south of Bandung regency. In this area thereare interesting tourist attraction is Crater White.

White crater is a crater lakeof Mount Patuha with a height of 2434 meters above sea level with temperaturesbetween 8-22 ° C. On top of that there is a crater Patuha Currently, when themean low tide in Sundanese, which is in the west and below the crater Whitewith a height of 2194 meters above sea level. Both craters were formed byeruptions that occurred at about X and XII centuries ago. White Crater islocated about 46 km from Bandung or 35 miles from the capital, Bandung regency,Soreang, headed Ciwidey.

Legend White crater

Patuha said to haveoriginated from the name Old Man or “Patua”. Local people often refer to MountSepuh. Formerly the local people consider the region Patuha and White crater asa haunted area, no one dared to touch or to get there. Angkernya presumablybecause birds have a flyover above the crater will die.

Mystery White crater lakebeauty was revealed in 1837 by a German-born Dutch botanist researcher, Dr.Junghuhn Franz Wilhelm (1809-1864) who conducted research in this area. As ascientist, Junghuhn stories just do not trust the local community. As hetraveled through the wilderness study Patuha, he finally found a beautifulcrater lake. As a volcanic crater, from the lake bursts out of the lava flowsof gas and it smells of sulfur and a nose piercing. From it emerged that a veryhigh sulfur content which is why birds are reluctant to fly across the topsurface of the crater lake White.
Because the sulfur content inthe crater lake is very high, during the reign of the Dutch had built the plantwith the name Zwavel sulfur Ontgining ‘White crater’. Then in the Japanese era,the business was continued under the name White crater Kenzanka Gokoya Ciwideydirectly under the control of the Japanese military.

Around the area there are afew crater White ancestral graves, among other things Keep your Grandmother’sgrave Satru, Eyang Sadena cavity, Head Grandmother, Grandmother Ngabai, BarabakGrandmother, Grandmother basin, and Grandmother Jambrong. One of the top of thePeak Patuha Kapok, supposedly a meeting place of the ancestors, led byGrandmother Keep Satru. That said, this place is magical at times seen a bunchof white fluffy sheep called sheep lukutan by society.

White Crater Lake has atypical and unique. The water in the crater lake may change color, sometimescolored bluish green apple when the sun and the weather is bright, sometimesalso brown milk. Most commonly seen are white water with a thick fog over thecrater surface. In addition to the surface of the crater, which is white, sandand rocks around it were predominantly white, therefore it is called Whitecrater crater.

To get there, visitors canpass through the toll from Jakarta Cipularang continued toward the exit tollSoreang Kopo headed south to the town Ciwidey. Approximately 20-30 minutes fromthe city Ciwidey visible sign of entry into the entrance of Attraction Whitecrater at the left side of the road. To get to the White crater from theentrance gate area attractions crater White suggested using a vehicle, do notwalk because the road is slightly uphill and quite a distance, which is about5.6 km or about 10-15 minutes drive. Private vehicles can langung toward theavailable parking area not far from the crater. While visitors with a largeentourage that use bus or public transport can use a special vehicle in theparking lot near the entrance gate to reach the crater from the entrance. Smallroad conditions and uphill is not possible to pass a big bus type vehicle orbeing.
Public transport to Ciwideyfrom Bandung can be found in Terminal Gardens Kalapa and Leuwi length. Afterarriving in the city Ciwidey then proceed with using the rural transportationpurposes patengan Situ. Rural transportation that led to this patengan Situacross attractions in the area of Plantation Ciwidey Strawberry, White crater,Ranca Upas, hot water & swimming pool Cimanggu. To be able to explore andenjoy the natural beauty surrounding the area Ciwidey and it’s not enough justone day

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tags : ciwidey,the,best,beautiful,white,crater,in,bandung,west,java,tourisme,travelling,indonesian,culture,iwansky82,the adventure

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