
Bunaken on my amazing island and the best spot for diving in the world

 Bunaken is an island covering an area of ​​8.08km ² at Manado Bay, which lies on the northern island of Sulawesi, Indonesia.The island is
is part of the city of Manado, the provincialcapital of North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Bunaken Island can be traveled by fastboat (speed boat)
or a ship chartered by travel about 30 minutes from
port city of Manado. In the vicinity of the islandof Bunaken Bunaken marine park there 

 who are part of the Bunaken National Park.This marine park has marine biodiversity
one who in the world. Scuba diving attracts manyvisitors to the island. Overall Bunaken marine park covers an area of ​​75,265hectares with five islands within it, namely
Manado Tua Island, Bunaken Island, Siladen Island,Island
Mantehage follows several children of the island,and island Naen. Although it covers an area of ​​75265
acres, the location of the dive (diving) is limitedin
each of the five beaches that surround the island.
Bunaken marine park has a 20 point dive (dive spot)with varying depths
up to 1344 meters. Of the 20 point dive, dive 12points in
which are located around the island of Bunaken.Twelve point dive this is the most
frequented by divers and
lovers of beauty
underwater scenery.

 Most of the 12 point dive in Bunaken Island
lined up from the southeast to the northwest of theisland. In this region
there is a great underwater walls, also called thehanging walls, or rock walls
giants standing vertically and
curved upward. wall
These reefs are also a source
food for fish waters around the island
Island nation that carried by Indonesia with 17thousand islands scattered around the archipelago, with 2 / 3 is its ocean,providing more value to developing marine tourism Indonesia. Bunaken NationalMarine Park is one of the marine tourism is already well known to foreigncountries and is one of the world's marine parks.

 The best way to enjoy the beauty of Bunaken NationalMarine Park in a clear and tangible is by way of Bunaken marine menyelam.Tamanoften said to be the paradise of the divers with underwater beauty. Coral reefsin Bunaken marine park at 2.5 km wide, ranging from coral reefs to a depth of 5m to deeper waters that make up the hills and cliffs cliffs filled with coralreefs with different colors and shapes, and fish community of diverse shapes,colors and size as the house to find food and breed.

Bunaken is an island with an area of ​​approximately8.08 km ² is located in the Bay of Manado is located on the island of NorthSulawesi. Bunaken Marine Park is located around Bunaken island has an area of ​​about75,265 hectares plus the presence of several islands in it: the island ofManado Tua, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island, and Island Naen.

 In addition to the famous underwater beauty, Bunakenis one of the places of the world's 10 best dive sites, with 20 dive spots thathave different depths up to 1344 m, Bunaken itself has 12 dive spots of the 20dive spots in Bunaken marine park, to 12 dive spot is frequented by divers andtourists to enjoy the beauty beneath the sea.
The best time for diving in Bunaken is May throughAugust, the month the water is very clear and warm, calm sea water withvisibility 20-30 allows to see the beauty beneath the water rich in coral reefsand other marine biota. While December and January the sea state was high tideand the water was dirty and the great waste that washed up so it is less sogood to dive in that month.

 For those of you who want to visit for divingBunaken marine park, do not have to bother to bring diving equipment, because itis already available rental diving equipment complete. Indeed, for a trip toBunaken very unfortunate if we do not enjoy the underwater scenery. In additionto diving, we can also enjoy the underwater beauty of using a catamaran, theboat is equipped with state of the glass to see the bottom of the sea, or wecan rent a submarine to get closer to enjoy and more leverage in meyelusuribeauty of Bunaken marine park.

To achieve Bunaken, in North Sulawesi can wetraveled by plane. From the port of Manado we can use a motor boat to get tothe island of Bunaken or kepulau other islands located on Bunaken marinenational park, with a long journey of less than 1 hour by motor boat
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tags : Bunaken,on,my,amazing,island,and,the,best,spot,for,diving,in,the,world,tourisme,travelling,indonesian,culture,iwansky82,the adventure

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