


Lombok in many ways similar to Bali, and in the decade of the 1990s began to beknown foreign tourists. 
 * Senggigi Beach
* Cakranegara
* Gili Air
* Gili Meno
* Gili Trawangan
* Mount Rinjani
* Pantai Kuta, Lombok
* Senaru
* Tetebatu
* Spring Gile Waterfall
Tiu Waterfall valve *
* Yarn Falls Stokel
* Yarn Falls Nets
* Gili lote
* Gili Lawang
* Gili Lamp
* Beach Paradise
* Beach Selong Blanak
* Beach Grupuk
* Beach mawi
* Gili Nangu
* Gili Sudak
* Gili Tangkong
* Monkey Forest Pusuk
* Taman Narmada
* Taman Mayura
* Pura Suranadi
* Pura Lingsar
* Pura Batu Bolong
* Temple and Mount Pengsong
* Village Sukarare
* Village Sade and Rambitan
* Tanjung Ringgit
* Beach Mangsit
* Beach Malimbu
* Cape of Sire

Lombok Island has now become one of Indonesia tourism icon, matchless beauty ofthe island of Lombok in Indonesia, Friendliness Sasak people, beauty of a verywhite beaches, coral reefs and incredible biological richness, splendor ofMount Rinjani and cultural uniqueness sasak many invites admiration domesticand foreign tourists

The beauty of the island of Lombok and eksotismenya will invite you and yourpartner for a honeymoon here. Likewise with exotisme Gilis Island willalso invite you to enjoy the beauty of pulauna.
This island is one of the two largest islands are owned by the Province of WestNusa Tenggara. Beauty of the landscape, making the island of Lombok becomeone of the honeymoon destinations are also in demand. If you already knowwhere the feet must tread, the beauty of Lombok can be explored on this trip.
Mainstay tourist island of Lombok

Senggigi Beach Lombok

Senggigi Beach is one of the celebrity beach on the island of Lombok, iscurrently scattered hotels, resorts, villas and bungalows who grew up likemushrooms in rainy season.
The beauty of the Senggigi invite admiration of tourists and the beach is veryfamous up to foreign countries.

Among the many marine attraction located in Lombok, it seems that touristswould not miss the west coast of Lombok. In addition to the famousSenggigi Beach, there are three islands in the middle of the ocean (which iscalled by the name of dyke) which became a favorite place for tourists and thearchipelago for the weekend.
The small islands called Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno and. Allthree islands were able to represent a portrait of beauty as the beaches inLombok. Everything serves clarity of sea water, white sand grains withouta jumble of garbage, as well as coral reef fish are adorable

Mileage to the third-longest island takes 30 minutes, depending on whether theflow of the waves. Direct stunning scenery. Sea water is salty as ifchoked by a dark blue, light blue to light green. I was so crystal clearwaters, the seabed was seen pithy. These three tiny island in the middleof the ocean has a different unique characteristics. Each has naturalatmosphere and its own characteristics. In fact, it seemed to finally sortout the differences in tourists in accordance with their interests, attitudes,and personality.

Gili Trawangan is the largest island, once the busiest farthest from the mainisland of Lombok. Most tourists who visit it consists of people who areyouthful and energetic.In the holiday season, most of the night held a freneticparty with music
For tourists who just want to feel the atmosphere of the beach without going toget wet, can relax on the porch of the hotel, cafés, and restaurants arearranged beautifully. In fact, if interested, you can hire a horse-drawncarriage cidomo to surround the entire island of Gili Trawangan.
Meanwhile, Gili Meno is located in the middle between Gili Trawangan and GiliAir, more suitable for travelers who crave relaxation in the silence. Visitorswere treated to absolutely natural feel of a quiet tropical beach.

Merimpun mangrove trees are still visible along the coastal shores. Anotherwith the atmosphere created in Gili Air. The nearest island of Lombok ismore suitable for tourists who vacation with their families. Inhabited bymost local residents, this island offers a beach more that are not crowded butnot too quiet.

That should never be overlooked is sunbathing on the beach, swimming andsnorkeling. On the gently sloping beach which was quiet choppy, touristscan uncover the mysteries of marine life in safety. Although coral reefsin some places broken, no doubt leaving the

beauty. Various types of marine fish often seen swimming in clustered. Movingswiftly among the rocks, coral reefs and sea grass. Meanwhile, a tiny fishthat often surrounds the colorful and even kissed her face was busy snorkelingtourists

The island of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air
Gili Island is one of the most beautiful island that lies off the northwesternisland of Lombok, Gili Islands, there are three, namely Gili Air, Gili Meno,and Gili Trawangan.The third island has beautiful views with clean whitebeaches and the water is very clear. The area around the three island isknown to have a very beautiful marine park is a habitat for a variety ofbeautiful fish, colorful

Area Three is located in Gili Gili Indah Village, Subdistrict Tanjung, Lombokregency, West Nusa Tenggara. Gili is the small islands beautiful is oftenfound in West Lombok. Of all the islands in West Lombok, to date onlythree islands (dyke) are visited by tourists.
Among the many marine attraction located in Lombok, it seems that touristswould not miss the west coast of Lombok. In addition to the famousSenggigi Beach, there are three islands in the middle of the ocean (which iscalled by the name of dyke) which became a favorite place for tourists and thearchipelago for the weekend.
The small islands called Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, Gili Meno and. Allthree islands were able to represent a portrait of beauty as the beaches inLombok. Everything serves clarity of sea water, white sand grains withouta jumble of garbage, as well as coral reef fish are adorable
Mileage to the third-longest island takes 30 minutes, depending on whether theflow of the waves. Direct stunning scenery. Sea water is salty as ifchoked by a dark blue, light blue to light green. I was so crystal clearwaters, the seabed was seen pithy. These three tiny island in the middleof the ocean has a different unique characteristics. Each has naturalatmosphere and its own characteristics. In fact, it seemed to finally sortout the differences in tourists in accordance with their interests, attitudes,and personality.
Gili Trawangan is the largest island, once the busiest farthest from the mainisland of Lombok. Most tourists who visit it consists of people who areyouthful and energetic.In the holiday season, most of the night held a freneticparty with music

Gunjung Rinjani National Park Lombok Island
Mount Rinjani is a mountain located on the island of Lombok, West NusaTenggara.Mountain which is the second highest volcano in Indonesia with analtitude of 3726 m above sea level and lies in latitude 8 º 25 'latitude and116 º 28' BT is a favorite for mountain climbers Indonesia for its beautifulscenery.
This mountain is part of the Mount Rinjani National Park which has an area of
​​about 41,330 ha and this will 

be proposed the addition to be 76 000 ha tothe west and east
Mount Rinjani is located on
the island of Lombok, To get to Mount Rinjani, you can use a direct bus fromJakarta to Mataram, after arriving in Mataram you're heading to the villageSembalun or can also use the vehicle to the village Senaru setempat.atau usingthe flight from Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar headed to the airportSelaparang Mataram - Lombok

Rinjani has panaroma best among the mountains in Indonesia. Each year(June-August) are frequently visited by nature lovers from local residents,students, lovers of nature.
Temperatures average around 20 ° C; low as 12 ° C. Strong winds are commonat the peak in August
In addition to the peak, the place is frequented Segara Anakan, a lake situatedat an altitude of 2.000m above sea level. To reach this location we canclimb from the village Senaru or Sembalun Lawang village (two nearest entrypoint at an altitude of 600m asl and 1.150m above sea level)
Most climbers start climbing from the climbing route and end Sembalun inSenaru, it can save 700m altitude. Sembalun route is rather long but flat,and the weather is hotter because it is through the scorching savannas (coldtemperatures, but direct solar radiation burning the skin). cream shadingis highly recommended
From Route Senaru slope without a pause, but soft because of the weatherthrough the forest. Of the two locations takes about 7 hours walkingtoward the lip ridge at an altitude of 2.641m asl (arriving in Plawangan Senaruor Plawangan Sembalun). In place of this view of the lake, or to theoutside is very nice
From Plawangan Senaru (if it rises from the direction of Senaru) down to thelake through a steep wall to a height of 2000 masl), which can be reached in 2hours. In the lake we can camping, fishing (Carper, Oreochromismossambicus) are aplenty.Residents have a tradition of visiting Lombok pupssoon to soak in hot tubs and fishing
To reach the top (of the lake) have to walk up the west wall and climb the700m-high ridge height 1.000m to be taken within two hours of stage 3 and 4hours. The first stage towards Plawangan Sembalun, the last camp to waitfor the morning. Summit attack is usually done at 3 am to find thebeautiful moments - sunrise at the top of Rinjani
The journey to the summit quite tolerable; for climbing on the lip of thecrater with a margin of safety is mediocre. Terrain of sand, rock, soil. Finalheight of 200 meters must be taken with great difficulty, because one stepforward followed by half a step down (fallen rocks gravel). Create ahighlander - this place the most challenging and unpaid preferred because ofthe rough terrain with beautiful natural scenery. Mount Agung in Bali,Mount Ijen-Merapi in Banyuwangi and Mount Tambora on Sumbawa clearly visiblewhen the weather is nice in the morning. To climb Rinjani unnecessarytools, enough stamina, patience and "passion"
The entire trip can be achieved in the course of three days and two nights, orif you want to see two other objects: Cave Milk and New Finger mountain (MountRinjani child with a new crater in the middle of the lake) need an additionaltwo-day trip
Logistical preparation is necessary, but fortunately everything can be obtainedin a nearby village. Tent, sleeping bag, eating utensils, food and what isneeded (including radio communications) can be rented from the homestay, homestayin the village that flourished more Senaru.m infowww.rinjanionline.com
Mount Rinjani National Park is representative of the mountainous rain forestecosystem, low to high mountains and savannas in East Nusa Tenggara.

In the valley to the west of Mount Rinjani there Segara Anak lake (2008 m asl)where the water smelled of sulfur, the temperature differs from one place toanother. Lake area is approximately 1,100 acres, a depth of between160-230 meters. In the middle of this lake appears a new volcanic mountainthat is still active and growing.
Mount Rinjani is Indonesia's third highest mountain (3720 m asl), save themystery of one of them is about the existence of Dewi Anjani. According tothe beliefs surrounding communities, the Goddess is the Queen Enjeni jin rulerof Mount Rinjan
They believe that the Goddess Anjani was born from the marriage with a manSasak genie, still flawless and the descendants of King Selaparang. Inhonor of Dewi Anjani, people often hold a religious ceremony on Mount Rinjaniand Segara Anak Lake, by releasing small fish made of gold thin to Lake SegaraAnak
Some locations / attractions to visit:
The peak of Mount Rinjani. Hiking, camping and enjoying the naturalscenery of Lombok Island

Lake Segara Anak, Sebau and New Mountain. Research, enjoying the naturalphenomenon / phenomena of nature, hot springs, baths, wildlife observation andexplore the forest. In Maulud, in Lake Segara Anak is often used as acultural attraction Pakelem (bathe the keris)
Brain kokoq and Yellow Flower. Hot water bath that smells of sulfur forthe treatment of (a skin) and waterfalls.

Cultural attractions outside the Park include; War Topat Ciwaratri in Decemberand in January in Mataram
The best visiting season: August / December each year
How to reach the location:
Mataram - Selong - Sambelia - Sembalun Lawang (140 miles) about 4.5 hours bycar. When you walk to the lake takes time for 9 hours (25 miles). Mataram- Bayan - Senaru (82 miles) around 2.5 hours, walking to the lake for 9 hours(25 miles).Mataram - Bayan - Torean (85 miles) around 2.5 hours, walking to thelake for 7.5 hours. Mataram - Masbagik - Kutaradja - Tetebatu (60 miles)around 1.5 hours, walking into Otakkokoq for 30 minutes.



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