
time to go to school

Today its started school again .. He does've definitely secured the spirit togo to school ... So did my morning I got break first with my kids and my familyand we all listen their story about vacation yesterday then I got, washing dishesand does not have time to cook .. .prepared for my kids to back to school.. I stillhave 30 minutes to go and  hold the computera bit relaxed because it already done! Back activities such as yesterday .. nowit's just us and I think now so different for us I ve many simpleand practise  item in my house .. I think it is not wastedmy time again..! Welcome back to school ya hello kids  ... wake up .. wake up .. Let us take a shower,he wore a school uniform and  drinking milkat 7:15 then go to school because you got  entrance at 7.30 .. Come on school

He looks happy because yeterday I gifte him funny back pack for josephstore. He said its very comfortable and he like it.i got twice smile today frommy kids. ...
Have fun my kids and be best student un your class bye,
It is my little story when my kids back to school J
Times back to school,many story of the  chidren have for their friend when he back toschool. How he got funny vacation in a mountain and he always nap mat in hisbackpack. It very easy to used and simple to take it in our travel.and  nap mat is comfortable.
The back pack Stephen joseph have the best quality and very safety forour kids and don’t  waste your time tosearch store. Just visit http://www.posylane.com/. you got nice day and betterlife for your kids
Give your kids special gift fun backpack  in the first day their school and got theirsmile and happy face everyday. I recomonded you to visit the best website foryour kids http://www.posylane.com/

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