The Jaipong dance is The Traditional Art of West Java

The Jaipong dance is  TheTraditional Art of West Java

              Jaipongan is a genre of dance that was bornfrom the creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. Attention to folkart, one of which is Tap Tilu know and know well make it word of  dance movement patterns that exist in thetradition Kliningan or Tap Tilu. Opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun andseveral kinds of motion of several arts mincid above have enough inspiration todevelop a dance or art that is now known as the Jaipongan. As a socialdance,  Jaipong successfully developed bythe artist dances are popular in the community of Sunda and highly favored bythe people of West Java (in particular), and even popular until outside WestJava.
CALL Jaipongan actually will not only remind people in a kind ofattractive traditional Sundanese dance with dynamic motion. Hands, shoulders,and hips always been a dominant part in the pattern of the agile movement,accompanied by beating drums. Especially in female dancers, all of it is alwaysaccompanied with a sweet smile and cast in the eye. This is the kind of socialdance in traditional Sundanese dance that emerged in the late 1970s that itspopularity to this day still live in the community.

                    Before this form ofperformance art show, there are several forms of dance influences behind thisassociation. In West Java, for example, social dance is the influence of theBall Room, which is usually in a dance-dance association could not be separatedfrom existence and pamogoran ronggeng. Ronggeng in social dance is no longerfunctioning for activities of the ceremony, but for entertainment or a way ofhanging out. The existence ronggeng in the performing arts has an appeal thatinvites sympathy for the pamogoran. For example on Tilu Tap dance is so wellknown by the Sundanese people, is expected this art popular around the year1916. As the folk performing arts, this art is supported only by simpleelements, such as waditra that includes fiddle, drums, two kulanter, threepercussion, and gongs. Similarly, the dance movements that do not have astandard pattern of motion, a simple costume dancer as a reflection ofdemocracy.

Along with the waning type of art above, the former pamogoran(spectators who play an active role in the performing arts Tap Tilu / Doger /Tayub) switched its attention on the performing arts Kliningan, which in thenorth coast of West Java (Karawang, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Indramayu, and Subang )known as Kliningan Bajidoran dance patterns and events that show has somesimilarities with the previous art (Tap Tilu / Doger / Tayub). In the meantime,the existence of masked dances in Banjet quite popular, especially in Karachi,where some Bajidoran motion pattern taken from the dance in this Banjet Mask.In koreografis dance is still reveal the patterns of tradition (Tap Tilu) whichcontains elements of the opening movements, pencugan, nibakeun and severalkinds of motion mincid which in turn become the basis of the creation of danceJaipongan. Some basic dance movements Jaipongan apart from Tap Tilu, IbingBajidor and Mask Banjet is Tayuban and Pencak Silat.

The emergence of dance works Gugum Gumbira initially called Tap Tiludevelopment, that is because it is a basic dance from Tap Tilu development. Thefirst work Gugum Gumbira still very thick with color Ibing Tilu Tap, both interms of choreography and iringannya, who then dance it became popularly knownas Jaipongan.

Typical Jaipongan kaleran style, which is fun, erotic, humorous,excitement, spontaneity, and simplicity (naturally, whatever they are). Thiswas reflected in the pattern of presentation of dance on the show, there is agiven pattern (Ibing pattern) as in art Jaipongan in Bandung, also there arealso dances that are not dipola (Ibing Saka), for example in art JaiponganSubang and Karawang. This term can be found in Jaipongan kaleran style,especially in the area of
​​Subang. In thepresentation, this kaleran Jaipongan style, as follows: 1) Tatalu; 2) FlowerGadung; 3) Fruit Kawung Gopar; 4) Dance Opening (Ibing Pattern), usuallyperformed by a single dancer or Sinden Tatandakan (sinden attack but can notsing but dance songs called  sinden /5)Jeblokan and Jabanan, is part performance when the audience (Bajidor) give amoney (jabanan) while greeting paste. Jeblokan term is defined as couples whosettled between sinden and the audience (Bajidor).

DanceDevelopment Jaipong
                    Work Jaipongan firstbegan to be known by the public is dance "Leaves Pulus Keser Bojong"and "Rendeng Bojong" both of which are types of dance girls and dancein pairs (boys and girls). From the dance that emerged a few names that arereliable Jaipongan dancers like Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, and PepenDedi Kurniadi. Early emergence of the dance had become a conversation, thecentral issue is the movement of the erotic and vulgar. But from the few printmedia exposure, name Gugum Gumbira becoming known society, especially after thedance Jaipongan in 1980 staged at the central station TVRI Jakarta. The impactof the popularity of the more increases the frequency of performances, both inthe medium of television, a celebration or celebrations held by the privatesector and government.

Attendance Jaipongan significant contribution towards the instigators ofthe art of dance to more actively explore the types of folk dances that werepreviously less attention. With the emergence of dance Jaipongan, used byactivists to organize dance courses dance Jaipongan, used also by businessmenpubs as a decoy night invited guests, where the development of further businessopportunities this kind of dance was formed by activists as an effort by theeconomic empowerment Dance Studio names or groups in some areas of West Java,for example in Subang with Jaipongan style "kaleran" (north).

Further development occurred in taahun dance Jaipongan 1980-1990's,where Gugum Gumbira create another dance such as Toka-toka, Setra Sari,Sonteng, Pencug, Heron dazed, motorcade procession Leaf-Puring, Rawayan anddance Kawung Anten. From these dances appear some skilled dancers Jaiponganinclude Iceu Effendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Miming Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, MiraTejaningrum, Ine Dinar, Ega, Nuni, Cepy, Agah, Aa Suryabrata and Asep.

Today the dance Jaipongan be called as one of identity keseniaan WestJava, this is apparent on several important events relating to visitors fromforeign countries who came to West Java, it was greeted with Jaipongan danceperformances. Similarly, with art missions to foreign countries, alwaysequipped with a dance Jaipongan. Dance Jaipongan affect many other crafts inthe community of West Java, both on the art of wayang, gamelan, Genjring /Terbangan, Kacapi jaipong, and almost all public performances as well as onmodern dangdut music which collaborated with Jaipong.
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