
Paris van java

Regarding the origin of the name "Bandung", put forward various opinions.
Some say that the word "Bandung" in Sundanese, identical
with the word "appeal" in Indonesian, means side by side.
Ngabanding (Sunda) means adjoining or adjacent. This is between
Another stated in Indonesian dictionary published by Balai Besar
Reader (1994) and Sundanese-Indonesian dictionary published by Pustaka Setia (1996),
bandung means that the word pairs and also means side by side.
Another opinion says that the word "bandung" implies large
or large. The word is derived from milk. In Sundanese,
ngabandeng means vast pool of water and look cool, but
impressed creepy. Allegedly said that later changed the sound of milkfish
to Bandung. There is another opinion stating that the word Bandung
derived from the weir.
Opinions about the origin and meaning of the word Bandung, apparently related
terbendungnya flow with events in the area of the ancient Citarum River
Padalarang by lava erupting Mount Tangkuban during
Holocene (± 6000 years ago)

The establishment of Bandung

When led by the Regent of Bandung regency Wiranatakusumah RA II,
power in the archipelago of the Company ended due to the VOC went bankrupt (in December
1799). Power in the archipelago was taken over by the Government next
Dutch East Indies with the first Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels
Along with the change of power in the Dutch East Indies, and the situation
Bandung regency conditions change. The first changes
time there is a transfer of capital in the district of Krapyak
Area south of Bandung Bandung to the tar; etak in the central part
area of the district.
Between January 1800 until the end of December 1807 in the archipelago in general and
in Java in particular, there is a foreign power vacuum (colonizers),
because although the Governor-General of the VOC is still there, but he had
has no power. For the regents, during the power vacuum
means the loss of load in the form of obligations that must be met
for the interests of foreign rulers (invaders). Thus, they
able to devote sufficient attention to the interests of local government
respectively. This may occur also in Bandung regency.
According to the script Sadjarah Bandung, Bandung in 1809 Regent
Wiranatakusumah II along with a number of people to move from Karapyak
northern area of land would be the capital. At that time the land
Bandung would still forested, but the north has been
existing settlements, namely Cikapundung Old-fashioned village, Kampung Cikalintu, and
Village of Bogor. According to the manuscript, Regent R.A. Wiranatakusumah II
moved to the city of Bandung after he settled in temporary shelters
for two and a half years.
Cikalintu regents originally lived in the area (Cipaganti) then he
Balubur moved downstream. When Deandels inaugurated the construction of bridges
Cikapundung (bridge on Jl. Asia is now Africa near Building PLN),
Regent Bandung was there. Deandels with Regent over a bridge
then they walked toward the east to land somewhere (front
Office of Public Works Jl. Asia-Africa now). In place deandels
plugging the stick, saying: "Zorg, dat als ik terug hier im
STAD is een gebouwd! "(Try, if I come back here,
a town has been built! ". Apparently Deandels willed downtown
Bandung was built in the place.
As a follow up from what he said was, Deandels requested Regent
Bandung and Parakanmuncang to move the district capital
each close to the Great Post Road. Request that Deandels
conveyed through a letter dated May 25, 1810.
Emigration to the cities of Bandung Regency Bandung in conjunction with
Raden appointment Suria became Patih Parakanmuncang. Both momentum
was confirmed by besluit (decree) dated 25
September 1810. This date is also the date of the Decree
(Besluit), the formal judicial (dejure) designated as Day
So the city of Bandung.
Perhaps the regents began domiciled in Bandung after there
first district where the building marquee. Can be ascertained
district hall is the first building constructed for the center
Bandung regency government activities.
Based on data from various sources, the development of Bandung
fully carried out by a number of people under the leadership of Bandung
Regent R.A. Wiranatakusumah II. Therefore, it can be said
that the regents R.A. Wiranatakusumah II is the founder of (the founding
father) in Bandung.

The development of the city of Bandung and its strategic location in
the central part Priangan, the Government has encouraged the emergence of the idea
Dutch East Indies in 1856 to move the capital Keresiden
Priangan from Cianjur to Bandung. Idea for many reasons
only realized in the year 1864. Based on Governor Besluit
General dated August 7, 1864 No.18, Bandung defined as
Residency Priangan central government. Thus, from the moment
the city of Bandung has a double function, namely as the Capital District
Bandung as well as the capital of the Residency Priangan. At that time
who became regent of Bandung is R.A. Wiranatakusumah IV (1846-1874).
Along with the development of its functions, constructed the building in Bandung
residency in the area Cicendo (now the Home Office of the Governor
West Java) and a government hotel. Building completed residency
built in 1867.
Its development occurs after the transport operation
trains to and from the city of Bandung since 1884. Because the City
Bandung serves as a center of railroad transportation activities "Lin
West ", it has encouraged the development of life in Bandung
with the increase in population from year to year.
In the late 19th century, the population of the European group number has
reach thousands of people and demands an autonomous institution that can
look after their interests. Meanwhile, the central government realized
failure following the implementation of centralized government system
impact. Therefore, the government until the policy is to replace
system of government with a decentralized system, not only
decentralization in the financial sector, but also decentralization in
areas of government grant autonomy (zelfbestuur)

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