
loro jonggrang the legend story from java

Once Upon A Time in the days of yore in Central Java, there are two neighboring kingdom, the Kingdom Pengging and the Kingdom of Baka. Pengging is a fertile and prosperous kingdom, ruled by a wise king named Prabu Damar Maya. Prabu Damar Maya had a son named Raden Bandung Bandawasa, a gallant knights and magic. While the monarchy led by King denawa Immortal (Giant), a cruel man-eater named King Baka. In ruling his kingdom, King Baka assisted by a named Patih Gupala Patih who also is a giant. But despite coming from a giant nation, King Baka had a very beautiful princess named Rara Jonggrang. King Baka desire to expand his empire and seize the kingdom Pengging, so they train together Patih Gupala armies and levy taxes from the people to finance the war.

After preparation, King Baka and their armies invaded the kingdom Pengging. Great battle erupted between soldiers in the kingdom Pengging Baka kingdom and the royal army Pengging. Many casualties from both sides. As a result of this battle Pengging people suffering from hunger, loss of property, many of those who died. In order to defeat the attackers, Prabu Damar Moyo sent his son, Prince Bondowoso to fight King Baka. The battle between them was so great, and thanks to the miracle Bondowoso managed to beat and kill King Baka. When Patih Gupolo heard his master's death, he immediately fled the royal retreat back to Baka.

Prince Bondowoso Patih Gupolo pursue until they return to the kingdom of Baka. When arriving at the Palace Patih Gupolo Baka, he immediately reported the news to the Princess's death Rara King Baka Jongrang. Hearing this sad news of the princess of grief and mourn the death of his father. After the kingdom fell into the hands of Baka Pengging army, Prince Bondowoso stormed into the palace (palace) Baka. When I first saw Princess Rara Jonggrang, Bondowoso instantly captivated, enchanted beauty of the princess's amazing. We also fell in love and Bondowoso Rara Jonggrang apply to become his wife. But the princess refused the proposal, of course, because he would not murder his father and marry his country colonizers. Continue to persuade and Bondowoso insist that the princess was willing dipersunting. Finally willing to marry by Rara Jonggrang Bondowoso, but before he filed two conditions are unlikely to be granted. The first requirement was that he requested be made wells called Jalatunda wells, the second condition is the princess asked Bondowoso to build a thousand temples for him. Although the conditions were extremely heavy and impossible to be fulfilled, menyanggupinya Bondowoso.

Soon with his spiritual power, the prince succeeded in completing wells Jalatunda. After the wells completed, with the pride of the Prince shows his handiwork. Princess Rara Jonggrang trying to bamboozle the prince to persuade him to descend into the well and examine it. Bondowoso Setelang into the well, the princess ordered Patih Gupolo to cover the well with stones and pile up, bury her alive Bondowoso. However Bondowoso a powerful and strong warrior able to escape by breaking the stone embankment. The prince had burned the anger caused by deception of the princess, but thanks to the beauty and persuade rayunya, the princess managed to extinguish the anger of the prince's.

To realize the second condition, the prince meditating and summon spirits, spirits, demons, and the Evils of the earth. With the help of these spirits of the prince's successful completion of 999 temples. When Rara Jonggrang heard that a thousand temple has nearly finished, the princess tried to thwart Bondowoso task. He woke the handmaidens of the palace and the village women to begin pounding rice. He then ordered the burning of straw on the east side. Figuring that morning has arrived and soon the sun will rise, the creatures fled in fear hiding smooth re-entry into the earth. As a result only 999 temples Bondowoso successfully built and has failed to meet the proposed requirements Jonggrang Rara. When knowing that all it is the result of fraud and deception Jonggrang Rara, Bondowoso is furious and cursed Rara Jonggrang into stone. Then the princess turned into a most beautiful statue in the temple to fulfill his last. According to this story Keraton Ratu Baka site near Prambanan is the palace of King Baka, while the 999 temples that are not completed now known as Sewu, and statues of Durga in the north of the main temple at Prambanan is the embodiment of the princess who was cursed into stone and still remembered as Lara Jonggrang which means "a slim girl."

This legend is a fairy tale or local folklore which explain the origin of the magic of historic sites in Java, namely Keraton Ratu Baka, Sewu, and statues of Durga in the north of the main temples of Prambanan. Although the temples are from the 9th century, but this tale allegedly prepared at the time of the later era of the Sultanate of Mataram.

Another interpretation states that this legend may be a vague collective memory of the local community about the historic event that ever happened in this area. Namely the struggle for power between the dynastic events Sailendra and Sanjaya dynasty to power in Central Java. King Baka may be intended as the king of the dynasty Samaratungga Sailendra, Rakai Pikatan as Bondowoso, and Pramodhawardhani, daughter of the wife as well Samaratungga Pikatan Rakai, as Rara Jonggrang. Actual historic event is a battle between Balaputradewa against Pramodawardhani who assisted her husband who finally won Pikatan Rakai Rakai Pikatan and end the domination of Sailendra dynasty in Central Java.

from :http://id.wikipedia.org

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